Retail Solutions

In calculus we offer a wide range of solutions for the retail industry. Starting form connectivity devices that allows the brands to make wide and secure connections from and between their branches using several means of connectivity such as Ethernet, LTE, Wifi. To wifi automation and monetization. Our solutions allow our customers to better understand the patterns of movement, dwell times and create automatic rules to influence the customer ar give important and useful information in real time.

Secure Sales

Calculus Networks provides this industry with technology solutions for security and obtaining information on consumer behavior (data analytics), in such a way that the information is taken in near real-time. These solutions range from surveillance to accurate purchase data at the point of sale.​


The enterprises segment has a big variety of requests and challenges. Each company has its own DNA which differentiate them from their competitors. In Calculus Networks we have the way to help all kind of companies to shore up their straights and to correct their weak processes or tools. Each case it is analyzed by our expert team together with our customers to give them the best available solution in the market. The solutions could include:

LAN/WAN solutions

Professional services, to know on detail, the actual processes and find the right way to integrate the right solution to the needs.


Security tools, which help the enterprise to mitigate the possible vulnerabilities and monitor on real time the usage of the communication resources and AI tools and analytics for smart marketing.


Video surveillance and integration to the analytics tools & GPS monitoring of assets and transportation.

Latest Projects

Each enterprise has its own DNA and specific technological requests. Always it is important to put the technology as part of the DNA of the companies, to improve the processes, and make them more agile. Calculus is actively working on projects for big retail companies which will solve each one of their problems, staring from campaigns, operation, dwell times and integration with customers APPs.

Pet Co

Technology for pets lovers


Technology for buyers


Technology for POS.

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